

Rocking 2014

New Year - New List:

Adventure Time
Ride a Mechanical Bull - this will stay on my list until it's done... one day :-)
Ropes course/zip-lining
Hike the Inca Trail :-)

Tough Chick Stuff
Run a 5k - no walking
Become master of the pull up bar
Finish the Warrior Dash - ALL of the obstacles - even that blasted balance beam thing.
(missed the Warrior Dash - I got the t-shirt, does that count for anything?)

Reading/Writing/Creative expression:
Read one Fiction book each month - 12 total  I read a total of 30ish books this year and it was a mix of fiction and nonfiction so I'm going to count these as complete even though it might not be exactly evening split.
Read one Non Fiction book each month - 12 total
Read 3 classics
Paint a painting
Write a letter
One writing prompt a month
Take a Dulcimer lesson

Susie Homemaker Gets Stuff Done:
Purge house of unneeded stuff
Try 4 new recipes - blog it  I definitely tried some new recipes... just not sure if I blogged about them... made a new apple pie for Thanksgiving.
Crochet moms quilt squares together - This will move on to next years list as well.
Get rid of the awful living room wallpaper 

General goals:
More "me" time.
More quiet/ disconnected time - write a letter, read a book, take a nap
Make writing a habit
Strive to be like mom and dad. Giving, loving, forgiving, brave.
Smile everyday
Laugh everyday
Live in the moment, don't dwell on the past or worry about the future.

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