

Thursday, June 24, 2010

All about me...

So these last few weeks (at least as far as this list is concerned) have been all about me :-). 

I had a massage, got a desperately needed pedicure, took up a running program (ok so its mostly walking and jogging) and joined a gym.  I must admit, it feels really good to have "me time".   

Life is stressful and I am trying to think more positively about ways to deal with stress and also to realize that in order to be able to help other people I also have to help myself. 

I completed my time with personal trainer #1 who taught me just how far I have to go :-)  and I joined a gym closer to home.  I go to the gym tomorrow to get shown the ropes and also have the trainer there help me formulate a plan.  I like to plan (hence this list!) so I'm looking forward to that.

As far as the running program - it's hard to believe but I am really enjoying it so far.  It's not easy because I have never EVER been a runner.  I can remember dreading running the mile in gym class as far back as middle school because I was never any good at it.  I can't EVER remember running even one lap around the track without being totally miserable (if at all) but yesterday the Couch to 5k running program had me doing just that-- quarter mile intervals with walking between... and I did it ... and it seems small but I am quite proud of myself  :). 

The pedicure and massage were rewards for some stressful times--- I actually got the pedicure spontaneously as I waited for my second flat tire in about a week to be fixed (luckily the nail place was within walking distance from the tire shop - I think I deserved it!) and the added bonus is pretty feet that are actually sandal worthy now! 

In the coming weeks I'm going to try to focus on continuing my me time by allowing myself quiet time to read or just think as well as focusing on making the running and gym a habit.   I also realize that I think I am going to need to edit my actual list in the future - I've got a few new goals and a few goals that might not seem as interesting anymore. I know these lists are probably supposed to be static... but I prefer to be a fluid person and I will change my mind if I want to!  

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Me Running?? That's crazy talk!

OK so along with the torturous personal training session I have also completed week one of the Couch-to-5k running program with the help of a handy ipod-touch app.  I love that it keeps track of the time for me... tells me when to walk and run in intervals and also lets me import a playlist of songs.  The first time I ran I attempted to take the beagle with me.  I figured she could use some off the couch time as well... but she didn't make it past the warm up before she started driving me crazy with her stopping to smell things or to mark her territory.... seriously she wants to own the whole neighborhood!  So I sent her back inside and went out to finish the workout alone.  I enjoyed being outside but the 2nd two workouts of the week had to be on the treadmill because it was either dark or too darn hot when I had time to fit it in.   I realized after the first day that treadmill running is way easier than outside running so I decided to try to make it closer to outside running during my 3rd workout by upping the incline a little (not a lot - trust me!) and that seemed to do the trick.   

I hope that this blog and making my goal of completing this 9 week program public will keep me focused and help me to actually push through and finish and not quit halfway through... so if you see a few weeks where I don't mention it ... please feel free to hound me about it!

Other than running, this week has been pretty busy with work and hanging out with the folks.  Mom had a setback and had to go back to the hospital Tuesday night and should be released today to either home or a rehabilitation facility.   Thoughts and prayers for her strength, healing, and calmness are always appreciated!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Torture... I mean training.

Ok ... I could be exaggerating a *tiny* bit... but the personal training session this morning proved to me exactly how much I need the personal training sessions.  I am out of shape and it's time to rectify the situation :-)  I am sure the trainer this morning (who was lovely and kind - it's not her fault I'm miserable at coordination AND strength) thought I would run from the gym and never return but I made another appt for next Tuesday morning at 7am and will do it all again.  I even have homework of exercises to do during the week.   So YAY - I am participating in a fitness related activity and can check it off my list and gain the health benefits :-)

In other 101 list of things to do news I am currently reading my 5th book that will complete the "Read 5 Teen Books" item.  I am reading A Certain Slant Of Light by Laura Whitcomb and I am really enjoying it.  It looks at a lot of teen issues through the eyes of two spirits who have "taken" the bodies of two teenagers whose souls had left their body for different reasons.  I won't spill all of the plot and details (plus I'm not all that good about putting these "supernatural" types of things into words anyway) but I am finding that I am having trouble putting it down. 

I think that's all for now on the list front......

Friday, June 4, 2010

Getting Things Done...

Life is still undeniably stressful and exhausting but slowly things are getting accomplished! YAY me!
Ok so here are the things I can cross of the list/things that are in progress:

23. Clean and prepare sewing machine for use - I actually decided to sell both sewing machines that I own at the yard sale. Let's face it... sewing is not a love of mine anymore and now they hopefully will get use in someone else's house. Maybe I'll buy a new one one day... maybe not.

24. Sew something… anything! - Obviously I can't do this now that I have sent away my sewing machines... so maybe I will replace this with something else sometime... we'll see.

34. Take a fitness class or join a fitness related activity - My hubby won a gift certificate for 3 personal training sessions by answering a trivia question about Annapolis on facebook and he gave it to me! YAY! I would never in a million years have thought to shell out the cash for this or even have the guts to do this normally... I'm sort of a workout/gym novice but I'm going to take the plunge and give it a shot and I'm actually excited about it. The trainer was really nice on email... hopefully she won't be a crazy drill Sargent in person :-)

55. Sell fairy collectibles - Do I seem like the type to collect fairies? I guess at one time I did. They are gone now-- they all went to one lovely lady at the yardsale.

65. Purge house of unneeded things - Clutter = gone

66. Have a yard sale (or participate in one) -we had a yardsale at the hubby's mom's house and got rid of all that clutter mentioned above while making a few bucks. Anything that didn't sell we left with his mom to take to a charity. I wasn't bringing any of it back into my clutter free house!

I'm not sure how all of these things actually got done recently because it's been pretty hectic in my little piece of the world. Mom came home from the hospital this week (prayers for strength and recovery always appreciated) and I have been hanging with her and pop as much as possible and staying busy with work as well. I suppose I carved out time by not cooking or cleaning :-) Hey I said my house was clutter free - not actually dust free or clean!