

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Change is a good thing

Hello again!

I was just thinking how awesome it is that spring is almost here, how there's just one more week until I can add an hour of daylight to my evening and start running with friends again outside and not on a stinking treadmill... and what's it calling for? Snow!  I say yuck!  But I have some friends who are really hoping for a snow day so because I'm an awesome pal I suppose I will join team "please please please mother nature can we have a huge blizzard this week."  Maybe a snow day will give me time to do some writing, blogging, crafting or reading... ok.. so now I'm fully behind this possible weather event.

Owning 2013 update:  So far so good :-)  It's been a rough few years of changes and adjustments for me but so far 2013 has brought me good stuff.   In February I interviewed for a promotion at work and in early April I start the new gig.  I couldn't be more excited for this new challenge!  I know I've worked hard for this but I can't help but also think that things work out the way they're supposed to.  The timing and job and location and well everything couldn't have worked out better for me and I'm so very very thankful for the opportunity and adventure that awaits.

Not nearly as exciting but I did also cross reading Catcher in the Rye off my list and I've been to the gym twice in the last 3 days (and I'm about to eat ice cream as a reward.. lol)

Books I've Read:
Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger - I gave this 4 stars on goodreads...but I probably am more of a 4.5 for it.  It's not up there with my absolute, all time favorites but I really did enjoy this book.  I know I'm opposite of a lot of my reading friends on this but I sort of liked Holden Caulfield though I also believe that you don't have to love a narrator/protagonist to appreciate a book.  While I can certainly see why some would find Holden the most whiny character ever to live inside a book I also feel like Holden felt genuine to me.  He's lost, on the brink of adulthood, reaching out repeatedly to adults who don't really provide him with the guidance he needs and obviously severely affected by the death of his brother Allie.  To me Holden is someone who's searching for direction, meaning, and mostly identity.  He's stuck somewhere in between. 
For some great thoughts on Catcher in the Rye check out John Green's Crash Course on it...lots of interesting stuff to think about.  I'll be honest...John Green's the reason I wanted to read Catcher so badly and it did not disappoint.

Just One of the Guys by Kristan Higgins - I gave this one 4 stars too and I'm ok with giving classics and books I read for pure enjoyment the same credit.. they serve different purposes and this book filled the "I want to read a sweet book where everything turns out ok in the end" niche very nicely. Check out the link to goodreads for a description... it's a perfect snow day book and if you're a Marylander you might need that this week!

Song I'm loving right now:  I heard a clip of this on the 93.1 Future File on Friday and then immediately went searching on my phone right where I was (don't worry I was parked and not driving).  I love their song Postcard from Paris and this is certainly different but it's got an addictive beat and pretty fun lyrics.  Sorry guys... it's full of man-hating girl power. They'll be playing in Columbia in May if anyone is interested!!

Hope everyone has a good week :-) Catch you soon!