

Sunday, January 4, 2015

New Year...New List

So it's 2015 (What? How did that happen?)... and here I am finding myself looking back at my 2014 list of goals and wondering how it didn't all get done (haha - I have never had one of my yearly lists get finished) but it's always fun to think about what I'd like to do, how I'd like to better myself, things I'd like to learn and overall how I'd like to live.  So here is a quick look back at the 2014 list and the unveiling of the 2015 list.  I do love lists, have I mentioned that? Maybe I should make a list of ways to achieve each goal that is on the list.. no no.. that would take up too much time when I could be enjoying life :-)

2014- There were plenty of things I didn't do. I never managed to ride a mechanical bull, or run a 5k, or crochet those afghan squares together... but that's OK.  I did do lots of fun things as well that I talked about in my last blog post.  Some of those "not dones" will get carried over to the 2105 list... some of them won't... that's OK... I'm allowed to change my mind :-)

2015 - Here is a link to the new list: Enjoying 2015.  If any of you have goals for this year I'd love to hear about them as well.  No matter what your plan for 2015 is I hope you all enjoy it along with me.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Hiking and moving and getting engaged- OH MY! My 2014 Wrap Up

As my mother  would say "a day late and a dollar short" but it's only the 2nd of January so it's not like I'm wrapping up 2014 in April or anything :-)

It has been an eventful, adventurous, and wonderful year.  Sure - every year has it's ups and downs but as I look back over 2014 I have to smile.

I spent much of the first half of the year training for the Inca Trail - hiking most Sundays with my hiking partner Stephanie, exploring parts of the area around where we lived that we never knew existed.  Perri, Stephanie and I even had an adventurous snowy, icy, hike where we did lots of gingerly stepping until we would get to the next tree to grab a hold of... luckily we didn't encounter any snow or ice on the Inca Trail!  Then in April I set off on the great adventure of spending two weeks in Peru exploring: staying in hostels, unknowingly hitchhiking, seeing so many beautiful sights and pushing my body to what felt like its absolute limit while putting one foot in front of the other (or above the other in the case of the gazillion stairs!) for what felt like an eternity on the Inca Trail and then was rewarded with the beautiful site of Machu Picchu at the end of the journey (and a hot shower and internet after sleeping in a cold tent for 4 days).

It was on this trip that I realized exactly how much I like having Henry in my life.  I missed him pretty terribly, and his "I know you can do it" email messages days before the hike helped me keep climbing even when I would turn the corner to see more stairs and want to cry.  It was also the first time I ever bought anything for the two little girls (who I hadn't met yet) who would become such an integral part of my life over the coming months.  It was fun picking out those pens with llamas on top and hoping they would like them... I should have realized it was only a matter of time before I was completely in love with the whole family... and I can say I'm a pretty lucky girl that Thanksgiving brought me the blessing of being able to say "yes" to spending the rest of my life with them.

December brought a hectic and hurried move (which I'm still unpacking -- and still discombobulated from) and here we are at the new year.

Along the way of the whole twelve months I also had the best of times with the most awesome group of friends and family a person could ask for: more concerts, a painting class, ocean city adventures, zip-lining, horseback riding, and cookouts with epic water balloon battles...I can't really complain about 2014 (though I know many of you heard me do that on many a day!  so thank you awesome friends) and my goal for 2015 will be to appreciate all of the happy moments that come along and have them carry me through any of the bumps along the road.   Happy New Year Everyone!

COMING SOON: a quick look back at the 2014 goals and a new 2015 list! I know you all are super excited :-)