

Monday, June 13, 2011

Long Time, No Blogging

Sigh... it's been a while since I managed to get a blog post written.  As usual  I have no legitimate excuses except I just didn't have anything to say/ didn't feel like it :-)

I haven't checked too many items off the 101 things to do list... a few boring things were completed-- wearing contacts and eating breakfast at home but nothing earth shattering or so life changing that they warranted a blog post.  Probably the most noteworthy news about the list is that once again I've decided to edit it (I know that's probably not how these lists are supposed to work but I don't care -- it's my lists and I will do with it what I wish!).  Some of the items on the original list were just so BORING or for some reason or another just aren't important to me anymore so I crossed out five more items (in red - the color I use for "I've changed my mind") and added five slots to the bottom of the list.  I'm going to ponder what to add in those slots so if you've got any exciting ideas send them my way. 

As far as short term goals I have actually been doing pretty good:  I read another book (still a long way from my goal of 50 for the year though!), I've been running (aka jogging/walking) several times a week and going to the gym pretty regularly and in general trying to take care of myself.  I had a goal for the year of running a mile and I've accomplished this on the treadmill twice but I've yet to make it happen outside so I'm holding off calling this a success (hopefully not for too much longer) but it was still a pretty exciting benchmark for me. 

I'll be heading to the beach this weekend with my pops so I'm looking forward to some quality family time and also giving the boardwalk a try for running.  Its straight and flat so I'm hoping it's a good run (plus the view will be better than my treadmill or neighborhood) even though I have no idea what running on boards will be like.  I'll probably also eat lots of delicious foods like chocolate covered strawberries from Candy Kitchen and Boardwalk Fries... that's what the running is for I guess --to counteract all those calories :-)

My goals for the coming week/weeks:
At least 2 more blog posts in June
Read another book
Run a mile outside

Matched by Ally Condie

Matched (Matched, #1)
Did I love this book? No.  Do I think it would be popular with a certain group of teen readers?  Definitely. I gave Matched by Ally Condie 3 stars on goodreads.com.... but only because half stars aren't an option.  For me it was about 2 1/2.  Very middle of the road...I didn't really like it but I didn't hate it and certainly see its appeal.  In the dystopian society that Cassia lives in teenagers are "matched" with their mate sometime in their 17th year and Cassia is matched with her best childhood friend (being matched with someone you know almost never happens) but briefly catches a glimpse of another young many she knows on her match card... confusion/ angst/ coming of age abound.  This story had all of the right ingredients for me to really like it but it lost me in one place... I never actually started to like or care about the characters.  I can't put my finger on why but I didn't and because of that I never really cared what happened next and getting through the book was really tough.  I'll still recommend this title to teens ... i think it could have broad appeal (though the cover is sort of girly) but there is certainly better dystopian teen lit out there.