

Settling into 2016

I like routines, I need routines in my life.  Now I know it is always one of my goals to live in the moment and to not get so hung up on things but I really do function the best when settled into some sort of routine, even if that routine has wiggle room in it.  So with that said I hope that 2016 is all about finding my comfortable spot, finding time to read, write, craft, and make family memories.  No structured list of things I want to accomplish... just a few overarching themes to think about.

In 2016...

I'll work on being a healthy version of me.  This doesn't mean I'll work out every day or never eat donuts (I went through a phase this past year where I wanted donuts all the time... that is a mean thing for a body to do).  It just means I'll be conscious of what I'm eating and try to plan active family and friend time.  Oh and drink more water!  and take my vitamins like the Dr. tells me too! :-)

Give myself time to read.  That's it...no huge number of books I want to accomplish (though I'll probably still pick an arbitrary low number for the goodreads challenge just to keep track).  I just want to give myself permission to take a few minutes in the evening or at lunch to curl up with a book instead of plowing on trying to accomplish random tasks.

Write more.  I usually say I want to write every week or a certain number of times a month but much like reading I just want to get into more of a routine with writing and to enjoy the process.  This is one thing I really want to make time for, as I can look back at 2015 and see that I didn't even blog for the last half of the year.   I'll explore throughout the year if that means setting aside a specific time, or blogging every time I've read a book or take some cool photos or just have the whim.

Be in touch with my creative side.  It's easy to get caught up in the tedium of the day to day: pay bills, help with homework, go to the grocery store, feed the cat...I could probably type boring tasks for paragraphs.  Obviously all of these things still need to get done but I also need to let myself be creative.  I need to sew.  I need to knit and crochet. I need to paint and color.  I often put these things in the category of "I want" but the truth is that for the good of my soul I need to do them.  They help me think and express myself. I feel in touch with myself and my past the most when I am doing these things.  I give myself permission to say they are a need and not a want.

Settle into my family.  My family is still a fairly new family.  We are all still settling in.  Settling into a new house, new routines, and new family members.  In 2016 and forever I hope we can find ways to settle into life together.  To learn about each other as we all learn about ourselves and to enjoy each others strengths and support each other through our weaknesses and tough times.

Oh and most importantly I want to kiss my husband every single day and have at least a few seconds of calmly resting my head on his shoulder.  No matter what other chaos is happening...it's good medicine.

Happy New Year friends!

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