

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Warmth of Spring

Happy Spring!

I have the writing itch tonight so thought I would pop over to the blog like I always swear I'm going to be more dedicated to and type a few lines :-)
Spring is the time of new growth - so hopefully that's true for people as well.  Started the new job, back to running  (it's great to be outside stretching out the legs!) and have some great friend and family time booked for the spring and summer (including some fantastic live music with a fabulous friend - watch out Luke, here we come).  Spring always seems like a time of cleansing, hope and renewal and all of those things sound pretty good to me... add in some sun kissing my face, arms and legs on a warm day and I'm a happy girl.  Some of my favorite childhood memories are of the beach with my parents or playing in the back yard using the hose as a makeshift outdoor water feature :-)

Speaking of my folks I've been missing them like crazy lately... like suddenly I'll feel as if the pain is all new again, fresh and shocking and enough to make me curl up in a ball because my heart really feels as if someone is ripping it in two. (sorry to switch from happy to sad so suddenly but trust me it will get back to a place of peace in a few sentences...). I've been aching for the company of my mother and the image in my head of wanting to curl up to next to her on the sofa with my head in her lap while she brushes back my hair with her hand (like i did a million times when I was sad or stressed) has been so vivid to me I can almost feel it.  Yesterday was a particularly rough day of wishing I could talk to them, and hear their advice and worlds of encouragement, and comfort.  Really the reason I'm sharing all of this is to share this next little story... so today I got to work and literally about a minute after I started my shift at the information desk a woman came up to me and asked me for some specific books on grieving and loss.  I took her to the section and while we were there looking through the shelves she explained to me how hard it's been since losing her dad and then her mom most recently.  I don't usually share personal stories with customers but I wanted her to know she wasn't alone in this struggle so I told her I understood where she was and that I had lost both of mine within the past few years myself.  She looked me right in the eye and said "well then you're proof that I'm gonna get through this" and she seemed just the tiniest bit lighter... she asked how you get through those first few months and I simply said (just like everyone has shared with me) you do it one day at a time...sometimes one breath at a time.  We found some books and she was so thankful and sweet.  I like my job everyday.. but moments like that one make me love my job.  

It's hard to know what to write after that story... doesn't seem right to follow it up with my favorite song on the radio right now or some goals I may or may not actually accomplish before writing again so I'm going to share a few songs that take me back to the days of dancing on my daddy's feet at fire hall dances.  Enjoy:

Mom and Dad never let this song go by without dancing....listening to the lyrics again it's not a particularly happy song but it makes me think of them and that makes me smile :)

And the one that was always reserved for daddy's little girl:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful story. I think your ability to even talk to the patron about it shows how far you have come. And I'm sure it really helped her too.

And there is nothing wrong with missing them. I think journals/blogs about such things are good because they help you retell those memories and keep them alive. **HUGS**