

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Happy Holidays

The actual day of Christmas might be over but lucky for me I have a few more days coming up this week and a few more family holiday celebrations that span into the whole first week of January so I don't have to settle into an after holiday slump quite yet.  Hopefully no one else is in an after holiday slump but I know I sometimes find myself there when Christmas is over and the majority of winter is looming.  I love many of the things that come with winter: hot beverages, warm blankets and sweatshirts, cuddling by a fire watching a movie, spending days off reading or crafting because it's too cold to be outside... but it's that last part, the too cold to be outside part that really gets to me.  In fact it overshadows all of the rest of the lovely, cozy, things.  Add in some snow or ice and I am particularly unhappy.  My new years wish is for no snow, unless it's for certain it will cause a snow day and I will not have to drive with any flakes falling, AND my wonderful husband will not have to go to work and will be willing to do all of the shoveling and take the dog out in it while I sit by the window with my feet snuggled into fuzzy slippers under a warm blanket with a cup of hot tea and my book.  I don't think that's really too much to ask for.

I got a little off track there so here are a few cute holiday snapshots :-)

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