An awesome blogger friend of mine posts a wrap up of books she reads each month and I thought I might try to do the same. (You can check her blog out here:
I'm not going to write full reviews on them here - I review most books I read on Goodreads already but I wanted a place to gather together what my reading life has been up to each month so here we go. I'd love it if you'd comment and let me know what you've been reading too!
This one took up most of my time:
I'm not usually a non-fiction reader but lately I've been reading more of it. This read a lot like a biography (Harris is a network newscaster who has lead a very interesting life) with some advice on mindfulness and meditation mixed in. It was a fairly slow read for me but I really enjoyed it.

Ungifted is a funny story about a middle school boy who accidentally gets sent to a school for gifted students instead of punished for one of his normal trouble-making stunts. It's a fun look at kids from different groups and backgrounds being thrown into the same world and what they can learn from each other. A good recommendation for boys or girls and I think would also be a hit with a reluctant reader. It's not my favorite by Korman but it's still worth the read and definitely worth recommending to any tweens in your life.
Picture Book Palooza! I read a handful of great picture books in January after all of the awards (Newbery and Caldecott and many more) were announced. Even if you're an adult with no children in your lives these are worth a look! If you only look at one of them pick up Finding Winnie. You won't regret it!
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