Some good old fashioned puppy love. Thanks Jen and Brian for sharing your pups, family and friendship today!
Come on in...I ramble about books, food, travel, goals, music, and life in general.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Friday, August 22, 2014
Happy Photos come in 3's (37-39)
Happy Photo #39 Chocolate - or what's left of it :-) Oh and Coffee... there is coffee too!
Happy Photo #38 Storytime...I love Shaking My Sillies Out and reading books to the little ones! Great time was had by all, especially the librarian :-)
Happy Photo #37 -- I had forgotten that a friend of mine gave me this gift card so it was like a present all over again, and I bought a few cute things for the house so a big thank you to Stephanie!
Monday, August 18, 2014
Happy Weekend Photos!
Posting all my happy photos from the weekend is starting become a trend for me... so here goes again. Happy Photos 34 - 36.
Happy Photo #34. Early Birthday fun from my big bro and family! All kinds of fun goodies! And Margo desperately wanted to play with it all!
Happy Photos #35 Painting fun! I'm a messy painter but the walls look so pretty now! 2 walls down.. 2 to go!
Happy Photo #36 My friend Hobbs. I checked in on my sweet kitty friend while a neighbor watching him was out of town (and his owner is deployed)...I love Hobbles as his owner calls him. He's such a sweet boy! Happy to be able to send some pics of him to his daddy!
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Happy Photo #33
I'm lazy about getting my mail. There's never anything exciting in it so sometimes I will go days without even checking it, which I'm sure my mailman loves when it gets full of Kohls advertisements and Penny Savers making it hard to squeeze even another postcard in. So this morning on my way to my car I realized I hadn't gotten my mail in a few days (mostly because it was dark out by the time I got home and I'm a scaredy cat and go straight inside when unseen scariness is lurking around my neighborhood late at night --I don't know what this scariness actually is as I've never actually seen anything frightening but you know... the dark is scary by itself!). OK, so back to the point - I got my mail and it held a fabulous surprise!
1. I had an envelope addressed to Jenny (never-mind it has my old last name on it... not everyone realizes I changed it back). The only people that call me Jenny are family members or really old friends so just seeing that made me smile!
2. It was full of pictures of my beautiful niece and her beautiful family. I'm not biased, they are for real an awesome family! This started my morning off perfectly! Happy Thursday everyone!
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Happy Happy Weekend Full of Happy Photos!
Busy weekend: After I was finally feeling better last week I had a pretty busy weekend here in happy photo land :-)
#28: On Thursday I bought a new perch for my favorite kitty. Watching "My Cat From Hell" while laid up on the couch sick inspired me to give my sometimes aggressive girl some more high up space to take in the world from. She's still a little skeptical of it's suitability for her needs but she's checking it out regularly and then dive bombing whoever is relaxing on the couch. Note to self: do not leave beverages on that end table.
#29: I went on a nice walk on Friday with some friends and we did a little off roading on some of the dirt trails at Kinder Farm Park. It was a fun time exploring... I had no idea these beautiful little nooks were tucked back in the park.
#30: Concert Time! My best concert bud (and friend extraordinaire in general) Tammy and I drove down to Southern Maryland to see Cole Swindell and Lee Brice. The show was great and the fans were absolutely crazy for their Lee Brice but the most entertaining moment of the night might have come when we were waiting in line for the port-a-potty. Picture a long line of port-a-potties each with their own line of patiently waiting (ok not everyone was patient) concert goers who have probably drank too much beer and suddenly one line just stops moving (our line of course!) All of the other lines keep moving but ours just keeps on standing still and no one is exiting our nice little portable bathroom. And then about 15 minutes later a man AND a woman come out and quickly exit stage right. WHAT!?!? REALLY?!? I have to say that aside from my absolute shock (and the gross factor) half of the entertainment came from the potty mouthed yet adorable young woman behind us in line who was indignantly angry that they were taking up our potty while she really had to pee. "Priorities People!"
#31: Nature walk on Sunday -- an awesome and incredibly silly person taught me that you can take seed pods (we called them helicopters) and pop the seed out of the one end and then magically the sticky parts can be stuck to your nose! or wherever I guess, but its fun having a seed pod nose :-)
#32: a karate class full of 4 year olds... need I say more. So much cuteness in one room I could hardly stand it. I think the most skilled little ninja of course is the one pictured :-) He gets all of his coordination skills from his Aunt Jenny!
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Many Happy Photos!
Happy Photo #24 - Someone super nice made me a perfect first meal after being sick for days. SOO delicious!
Happy Photo #25 - I picked up a scarf I've been working on for like forever while watching TV last night. It was good to feel the knitting needles in my hand. Unsurprising added level of difficulty came into play though. Her name is Margo and she LOVES yarn :-)
Happy Photos #26 - OK - it's three photos but one lovely experience. The wallpaper removal magician came and visited me while I was sick and pulled down all the wallpaper that I have been loathing FOREVER while I laid on the couch and interrupted wallpaper pulling for more gatorade and tylenol. I am a lucky lucky girl. Both below the chair rail and border (not pictured but equally yuck) are gone forever! AND I get to cross it off my Rocking 2014 List!

Happy Photo #25 - I picked up a scarf I've been working on for like forever while watching TV last night. It was good to feel the knitting needles in my hand. Unsurprising added level of difficulty came into play though. Her name is Margo and she LOVES yarn :-)
Happy Photos #26 - OK - it's three photos but one lovely experience. The wallpaper removal magician came and visited me while I was sick and pulled down all the wallpaper that I have been loathing FOREVER while I laid on the couch and interrupted wallpaper pulling for more gatorade and tylenol. I am a lucky lucky girl. Both below the chair rail and border (not pictured but equally yuck) are gone forever! AND I get to cross it off my Rocking 2014 List!

Happy Photo #27 Tiny Origami Frog! My awesome co-worker made this very tiny, very adorable froggie. It makes me smile sitting there looking at me while I work.
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