

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Torture... I mean training.

Ok ... I could be exaggerating a *tiny* bit... but the personal training session this morning proved to me exactly how much I need the personal training sessions.  I am out of shape and it's time to rectify the situation :-)  I am sure the trainer this morning (who was lovely and kind - it's not her fault I'm miserable at coordination AND strength) thought I would run from the gym and never return but I made another appt for next Tuesday morning at 7am and will do it all again.  I even have homework of exercises to do during the week.   So YAY - I am participating in a fitness related activity and can check it off my list and gain the health benefits :-)

In other 101 list of things to do news I am currently reading my 5th book that will complete the "Read 5 Teen Books" item.  I am reading A Certain Slant Of Light by Laura Whitcomb and I am really enjoying it.  It looks at a lot of teen issues through the eyes of two spirits who have "taken" the bodies of two teenagers whose souls had left their body for different reasons.  I won't spill all of the plot and details (plus I'm not all that good about putting these "supernatural" types of things into words anyway) but I am finding that I am having trouble putting it down. 

I think that's all for now on the list front......

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