I have been flip flopping about whether or not to start a blog recently...would I have anything to say (anything interesting anyway), what would I write about etc...
Then I noticed this idea on the internets to make a list of 101 things you want to do in 1001 days... and what can I say -- I like lists. Librarians in general like lists I think... we like organization and order in our lives... and best of all I like crossing things off lists :-) Plus I have a whole boatload of things I want to get done that I just never do so this is a way to make those a priority for me. It's also an easy way to structure my blog that I wasn't sure about starting :-) It means I will always have something to blog about (I am not gauranteeing that it be interesting - look at my list-- pretty boring to most probably!)
I am sure I will stray from just talking about the things on my list once I get rolling on this so bear with me if you decide to read along on my journey. I haven't done much writing since college so this is bound to be rough!
So about that list... you can find the link to my full list on the right side of this page... like I said earlier it might be pretty boring to some but I assure you there are several items on the lists completely out of my comfort zone... and I am always willing to change the list if I decide an exciting idea comes to me (I can always remove one of the many books to read or things to knit :-)). One thing you won't notice on my list are work related tasks. I make enough lists AT work between workplans and just keeping myself organized that I decided that I didn't want work to permeate THIS list. Now some of you will say "but there are still books on your list" but I promise I would read books even if I wasn't a librarian and most of them are for personal enrichment and either things I have meant to read for years or things that aren't what I would normally choose.
Ok - enough for now... it's early and I need to get myself ready for work! It is a beautiful day though and I can't wait to get it started :-)
You can combine a few of those.... Like have your girlfriends over for a spa day and give each other facials, manicures and pedicures... It's a lot of fun and you laugh really hard.
I have tried a million times to keep a blog and I never end up keeping it going. One of my 101 Things to Do is to update Kilian's blog once a month. Maybe we can support each other. :-)
I love your list, Carol. I'm inspired to make one too.
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