Well I didn't get two more blog posts written in June... it's certainly not that I don't spend enough time on the computer... I've just been uninspired I suppose. I did however accomplish the other two short term goals... I am currently reading a new book (I'll review it here when I'm done) and I accomplished my goal of running a mile outside.
I did my first mile outside on the boardwalk in Ocean City, Maryland. An early morning run with the beach and waves to my left and the wall of hotels and t-shirt shops to my right. I actually ran a mile plus a block... just to be sure I actually completed the task.... didn't want to find out later that I didn't run far enough to check this off my list :-) After the first mile I walked a few blocks and ran a few quarter mile intervals. Whenever I try to run again after taking a walking break I never manage to make it very far in those second or third bursts.
A few days after breaking through the barrier of running a mile outside I decided to try something new and did some running on the sand (the nice wet packed sand at the edge of the water) and said what the heck and gave it a go barefoot. It was fantastic! Don't get me wrong... running on the sand and barefoot is harder than running on solid ground with supportive shoes... but it was also so much fun! I think if I lived where I could run like this everyday I would. There was just something freeing about running with the sand between my toes, splashing my toes in the water when it came close enough, and dodging shells to the rhythm of my favorite running tunes. Now whenever I go to lace up my shoes I have a pang of sadness that I'm heading out into the neighborhood or worse, into my basement to the treadmill instead of out along the surf. I wonder if there are any beach 5ks.......