

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Stumbling already?

Well... I guess I've already proven I can't be trusted to blog weekly :-)  It's ok... I'm not going to be too hard on myself-- I'll just try harder next time... really... I promise!  The last few weeks have been full of dreary weather, stomach bugs, and general blah.  But I did read some great books!  I read two more Children's books toward my goal:

The Keeper by Kathi Appelt
The Dreamer by Pam Muñoz Ryan

I enjoyed both of these books but I LOVED The Dreamer.  It's a beautifully written "fictional biography" of Pablo Neruda. I think adults who enjoy poetry should definitely give it a shot even though it's written for kids.

I've also read a few other books towards my goal of reading 50 books this year (you can check out my goodreads page if you are really curious) and one I especially enjoyed was Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins.  I enjoyed the characters - all of them, not just the main characters and the love story was well done and not cheesy--a lot of the moments felt very true to teen life and while the plot was nothing groundbreaking the quality of writing makes this book stand out.

Surprisingly I did manage to try a few new recipes so far this year as well.  I made this Chicken Noodle Casserole which was quite good - though a little bland (might have to play with some spices) and also a Cauliflower Hamburger Casserole which was not delicious in the least (I used the ingredients search on the website and searched for ground beef and cauliflower because I had some of each that needed to be used- there aren't many recipes with both and I think now I know it's for a good reason).

As far as my 2011 goals I have been reading my ten pages of The Bible as many days as I can - I admit that a few days of oversleeping got in the way (I like to read it in the morning when I first wake up).  The 10 minutes a day of exercising which seems so easy has gotten done maybe half the time and as I already pointed out - I haven't exactly been blogging weekly.  So the good news is that there is so much room for improvement!  If I had aced the first few weeks it would have all been down hill :-)

For the coming week or so:
I hope that when I blog next I will be able to say that I have drug myself to the gym (that gets the benefit of my money monthly without me actually walking through the door on a regular basis) a few times, gone for a few runs, read another 50 pages or so of The Bible and finish my goal of reading 5 Children's novels (from my 101 things to do list).

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Resolutions... i never keep 'em.

It's true... I can't remember ever accomplishing new years resolutions... but that's ok... it's good to think positive and plan for the future.  I'm going to make them again this year anyway and see how it goes.  I'm going to try to make them easier to attain and also easier to keep track of and more specific.  No I'm going to "eat healthy" and "exercise more" and "be a nice person" ya da ya da ya da.  So here are my goals for 2011

1.  Read 10 pages of the Bible everyday.  I usually have at least a half hour in the morning before getting ready for work when I drink coffee and play around on the internet... I think I can devote some of this time to this goal.  It's on my 101 things to do list to read the Bible in it's entirety and hopefully this will put me on the right path.

2. Write on this blog weekly.  I'm thinking I will try to write on here once a week about what I have accomplished that week and what my hopes are for the next week...sort of like a system for checking on myself.  Every now and then I might have something exciting happen that makes me want to write more often (but judging by my past record - this might not happen very regularly :-))

3. Exercise 10 minutes daily - This is a tiny little goal - I can accomplish this by walking the dog around the block or walking for a few minutes during lunchtime at work.and some daysthat might be what it amounts to!   Hopefully though some of the days will include longer stretches (so I can get actual use out of my gym membership).  For me I have realized that exercise is important to my mental well being (as well as being obviously important to my physical well being).  I deal with stress a heck of a lot better when I am exercising regularly so I really need to make this a commitment.

4. Read 50 books.  I was sort of disappointed in the amount I read this year.  It was a busy, stressful, often times crummy year and I just didn't read as much as I like. 50 will be my goal and we will see how well I do.  I'm not going to do anything special like try to read a certain number a month or make sure I keep pace.  I will just try to carve out time for my favorite hobby (made even easier with my new Nook!) and check in on goodreads.com next December to see how I did.

5.  Run a mile.  This will seem like such an easy goal to most but I don't think I have ever run a complete mile without at least walking some in my entire life.  I was TERRIBLE at running in gym class as a kid and therefore HATED it.  I had bad asthma and it's hard to enjoy running when you can't breath.  The asthma has subsided for the most part in my old age and I actually enjoy doing a little jogging (lets be honest when I say running I really mean jogging!)  but at this point I am still alternating short bursts of jogging with walking... by 2012 that will not be the case!

Hope everyone else has had a few minutes to reflect these past few days on 2010 and think about all the possibilities 2011 holds for us.   Have a great year!